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Author: Marina Brodskaya

About Lee Aulder

Name: Lee Aulder

Located in: Brooklyn, NY

Job Title: UI/UX Designer/Software Engineer/Illustrator


Share about your past experience?

I original started as photographer, mainly capturing images of sceneries and landscapes that grabbed my attention along my walks around the city. I went to the Institute of Audio Research, where I gained a certification in Audio Production and through that experience I was able to attend St. John’s University, where I majored in Photojournalism. I ended up taking a design class by “mistake”, that really captured my attention. I learned different patterns and textures and the way how colors, fonts and other elements effects and affect the viewers and their perspective on a particular brand. So here we are and I am currently a Designer, that utilizes AI to create images/artwork and add my unique twist to bring the human aspect to my images. 

What are your favorite things to do? My favorite thing to do is create. Create art. Create music. Create life. I love seeing a plan unfolds into a new creation.

What do you want to achieve with this internship? During my time in this internship, I would like to achieve an authentic and consist art style, to learn and utilize this time to gain experience in using different softwares. 

What is one interesting fact about you? I enjoying learning, understanding and applying different philosophies of great stoics.

What is your favorite quote? “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost


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